My Story
Believe in Your Wings
My creativity and artistic interest has been a thread running through the fabric of my life. Raised in a environment where creativity was nurtured and encouraged, I experimented with just about every kind of creative expression from finger paints to technical drawing. Believing a career in art would not sustain me, I chose to train as a Technical Illustrator, a safer more believable career path. I stumbled across graphic design during my training, fell in love with the medium and now have over 20 years of experience as a designer and illustrator. My career also includes creative leadership, art direction, brand identity, product design and marketing; all of which combine to provide the knowledge and skills to collaborate on a wide variety of creative projects.
My artwork is a heartfelt reflection of the beauty and wonder of nature, whimsical memories from my childhood, and from watching my own children as they encountered the world and discovered the wonder in everyday simple things. I make my home in the beautiful Pacific Northwest surrounded by trees and wildlife. I live with my husband and a stable of pets, two Welsh Corgi’s (a rather spirited one and a floofy young one) and a black-pather-esque kitty. We also raised three wonderful adult children together; a daughter and two sons.
This photo was taken in Los Angeles, California when I was in kindergarten. My mother painstakingly created butterfly wings made of cardboard and fashioned them with tons of glitter, attaching them to my waist with a ribbon belt. I still have some of the glitter from those wings because as you know, glitter never truly goes away.
My mom has always encouraged me to believe in my wings. Then and now.
Check Out My Look book!
Here you'll find a collection of Hand-spun & Digital illustrations available for licensing. Commission work entertained.
Available for Licensing
Experienced Creative Professional
From graphic design, illustration (hand and digital), brand development, marketing strategy, art and creative direction, I have the experience to create original designs for a wide variety of products. I understand the business and manufacturing process and can help visualize how my illustrations can enhance your product lines.
Here are a few product category ideas:
- Baby & Children's Bedding
- Kids Clothing
- Fabric
- Garden
- Holidays
- Home Goods
- Paper & Gift
- Scrapbooking
- Wallpaper

My Story
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Sense of Wonder
Very Blossoms
Whimsical Paper Cuts
Paper Amour
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DBA Boost Brand Solutions
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