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Leap and the net shall appear

The importance of being resilient

November 16, 2017
My husband and I moved around the country for his Coast Guard career for 15 years. We never stayed long in one place and I had to learn to lean on faith to be resilient through all the changes that a nomadic lifestyle brings.

Wiping the tears of my children when they had to leave friends or watching them leave first. Searching for a new place to live, to work, restaurants to try, outdoor adventures to take, and the anticipation of new beginnings. There were always things we learned on the journey across the country and it grew and changed us. What I learned most of all is that life is unpredictable at best and the most important attribute you can have is resilience.

I'm not sure I'll ever understand why it's so hard to put your art out into the world. I supposed it's because so much of our heart is poured out into the making of it. As I launch this website and my new design collection, I'm reminded of the uncertainty of putting myself out in the world in a different way. Here's to a soft landing!